Sunday, January 06, 2008

How to love friends who believe in Heresy(20080102)

Verses I read today:

2:13  "因为我的百姓做了两件恶事,就是离弃我这活水的泉源,为自己凿出池子,是破裂不能存水的池子。
"For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me --- the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!"

1:5 太太啊,我现在劝你,我们大家要彼此相爱。这并不是我写一条新命令给你,乃是我们从起初所受的命令。
I am writing to remind you, dear friends, that we should love one another. This is not a new commandment, but one we have had from the beginning. Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.
I say this because many deceivers have gone out into the world. They deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Question I have today:
1:10   若有人到你们那里,不是传这教训,不要接他到家里,也不要问他的安。
1:11 因为问他安的,就在他的恶行上有分。
If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don't invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement. Anyone who encourages such people becomes a partner in their evil work.

For example the believers of Jehovah Witness wants to find a job in a Christian company. Should the Christian employer accept him or reject him? I would think accepting him enlarges the chance to let this believer to experience the love Jesus gave to everyone. Like the rain falls on good people as well as the evil one. If we show discrimination against him, the anger may grow in his heart and that would possible turn into hatred. Also Jesus told us to love our enemy. But if we don't even greet such a believer, how can we show our love to him?

Quotes I liked very much from NLT application

"Perjury is common, and integrity and credibility are endangered species. Words, twisted in meaning and torn from context, have become mere tools for ego building. It is not surprising that we have to 'swear ' to tell the truth. And what about love? Our world is filled with its words: Popular songs, greeting cards, media counselors, and romantic novels shower us with notions and dreams of ethereal, idyllic relationships and feelings. Real love, however, is scarce – selfless giving, caring, sharing, and even dying."

耶利米是一位非常特出的先知. 他特出不是因为他有出众的才智. 他没有以塞亚的才气, 也没有以利亚的能力, 更没有以西结的风度. 然而他有深切的同情, 热烈的爱国情怀. 他品格的伟大, 似乎是其他先知无可匹比的. 他不仅是神工人的楷模, 也是历代信徒的师表.

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