Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Preparing for My Driving Test

I am really struggling with this Rules of the Road book. There are so many paragraphs that I don't understand or study questions that are ambiguous. I am feeling much anxiety about this test. Here is a typical confusing paragraph:

Red arrow — The red arrow means do not make the movement shown by the arrow until a green arrow appears. You may make a right turn at a red arrow or a left turn at a red arrow when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street that has traffic moving to the left. In both instances, drivers must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians before proceeding.

So, based on the first sentence, a red right arrow means do not make a right movement "until a green arrow appears". However, the next sentence flatly contradicts it since I  "may make a right turn at a red arrow". If the former is true, then the red arrow is equal to a red light plus a "No turn on red" sign. If the latter is true, then it is equal to a red light. I simply cannot figure out what it is equal to.

The book does not talk about my category of drivers, someone with an expired license. I believe that since I do not have a learner's permit, it is strictly illegal for me to drive even if there is a licensed driver in the car. This means that I have fewer rights than a 15 year old since I cannot even practice. I am supposed to go into this driving test completely unrehearsed.

I went out for an illegal drive around my brother's subdivision tonight. I backed up into his garage twice, retrieved his mail. I need to relax, but this is hard.

And what is an "unmarked crosswalk"? If there are no markings, how can I tell that it is a crosswalk. This book refers to things without defining them. I am succumbing to despair.....

Check out my blog: http://uncut-jade.blogspot.com/

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Flight to the US

My flight from HK to LAX was probably the most uncomfortable international one that I have ever undertaken. Observations:
  • When I bought the ticket, United offered an upgrade to get more leg room. It was just $100 more, but I did not consider it since I was focused on conserving money. I repent of that decision and will gladly pay the extra money next time.
  • When I went through security, they confiscated my water, which I expected. But I made the incorrect assumption that if I bought more water afterward, then I could take that onto the plane. It seems reasonable that since I cannot buy gasoline on the secure side of security, any liquids that I bring onto the plane would be copacetic. Nothing could be further from the truth. As I am boarding the plane, everyone's bags are searched again, and my new water is again confiscated. I was dejected. The situation might have been redeemable if upon entry everyone was given a 2-liter bottle of water to meet the needs of a 12 hour flight, but that was not the case. Instead, they dispensed it molecule by molecule over the course of the flight while my lips became inflamed and brittle from dehydration over the course of the flight.
  • I developed a piercing headache, probably due to dehydration. All of my hopes to memorize Chinese Scripture on the plane got tossed to the wind because I was in so much discomfort.
  • I specifically request an aisle seat so that I could frequently get out to pee without inconveniencing anyone. When I got to my seat, someone had hijacked it. She was rather corpulent, so I opined that she probably could use the convenience more than I, so I never said anything. Instead I entered into the inner bondage. After four hours, I just had to ask her to get up so that I could get out. She must have an amazing bladder. It was not until 8 hours into the flight that she finally got up to go the toilet. I took advantage of it, and went myself. Later on, I had to ask one more time for her to get up.
  • I will commend the food. When I bought the ticket, I had the option to mark any special food needs. There were about 20 options. It was impressive. Not just "vegetarian", but about 6 varieties of vegetarian. I selected "Indian vegetarian". The Indian food they brought was quite tasty. Speaking of Indian food, I was in Hong Kong for three days; I ate Indian food three times. I ate it twice on the plane. I ate it my first meal in California. I am really into it. I missed it so much in China. There is one Indian restaurant in Xiamen, but it is sooooooooooo expensive that I only go twice a year.

Check out my blog: http://uncut-jade.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Written after 80 days


顺服主耶稣基督, 我心本应喜乐。

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Last night I found a cool website (http://www.ccel.org) in which I legally downloaded a lots of great books that I longed to read for a long time. The ebooks I downloaded and wish to read are, the Practice of the Presence of God, Pilgrim's Progress, Confession of St. Augustine, the City of God, Heretics by G. K Chesterton, the Club of Queer Trades by G.K Chesterton, the Innocence of Father Brown. I am so happy that our FATHER lead me to find this treasure. I think it is exactly like that master in the Bible left a certain amount of capital to his three servants and then left. Now it is the time for me to decide which type of servant I want to be and act accordingly.

So last night I decided to start with the Practice of the Presence of God since it is the shortest. It was a bad idea to read in the couch after an exhausted day of serving at the Bridge. Soon I fell asleep while I was reading. After my third attempt to fight with my sleepiness, I gave up and went to bed with a hope that tomorrow morning I could absorb this book more fully than at this moment.

I have heard about this book for a long time but didn't find a time to read. Last year Doreen said she learned a lot from it and wish we could have a discussion after I read it. However I noticed that there is a phenomenon that I usually can not appreciate a highly recommend book, either because I can not understand it or because I understand the content but don't grasp why it is important. This morning when I started to read, I was afraid that reading the Practice of Presence of God could fall into this category. But four hours later as I finished this book, I had to admit this book didn't fail me and it expends my understanding of what a God-centered life should look like.

That he was pleased when he could take up a straw from the ground for the love of GOD, seeking Him only, and nothing else, not even His gifts.

When I say my purpose of life is to glorify God by doing everything to please him, my “everything” is confined to “big” things, such as working, sharing Good News, being a good testimony to people around me, finding my talents and using them well. But Bro. Lawrence considered that picking up a straw from the ground is in the scope of “everything”. Later he said that he did this for the sake of seeking Him only, not even His gifts. It was a shock to me. I think before I become a Christian or I should say before I started my relationship with Heavenly Father, I grouped every job in our society into different categories. Some of them I thought were more respectable than other. Even after I became a Christian and went to the church, I was still struggling that some types of serving was more valuable than the rest. I didn't quit thinking like this until I experienced by myself several times when I found that Romans 12:4-5 is so true. (Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts on one body, and we all belong to each other)

But after read what Bro. Lawrence said, I feel I am falling into another dangerous misunderstanding. After I realized that each part has a special function in the body, I valued all the job in the society and all types of serving at the church equally. But I am only willing to do the type of serving which my gifts can get exercised. But Bro. Lawrence said he did things not for gratifying his own gifts, but for seeking God, for the love of God.

This new realization could be very significant for me and for my relationship with God. I think I will think more about it in the following days.

That he expected after the pleasant days GOD had given him, he should have his turn of pain and suffering; but that he was not uneasy about it, knowing very well, that as he could do nothing of himself, GOD would not fail to give him the strength to bear them.

At church we talk about all kinds of positive things such as free gifts, the power of healing, gaining eternal life more than negative things like suffering and pain. In my mind somehow I naturally think that being a Christian with the powerful heavenly Father and the merciful Jesus Christ, the life should be prosperous everyday. But Bro. Lawrence should be right that he expected the adverse circumstances while he was in the pleasant days. Most importantly, neither did he get panic when he anticipated the head wind, nor did he forget that he is incapable of doing anything unless God gives him the strength. The best part is that he was confidently assured that God will give to him and God never fails.

That all bodily mortifications and other exercises are useless, but as they serve to arrive at the union with GOD by love; that he had well considered this, and found it the shortest way to go straight to Him by a continual exercise of love, and doing all things for His sake.

Wow, when I read this sentence, I said in my heart, “Amen”. I tried fasting before but I just didn't sense that I got any closer to the heavenly Father. Only a satisfactory feeling of fulfilling a religious practice arose after fasting. As Jesus said, the biggest command is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. Therefore the shortest way to go straight to Him is to practice loving Him. I like this metaphor because most people like short cut.

That the most excellent method he had found of going to GOD, was that of doing our common business without any view of pleasing men, [Gal. i. 10; Eph. vi. 5, 6.] and (as far as we are capable) purely for the love of GOD.

This lesson is so hard to learn. Two nights ago, Philip and I were chatting about why I felt reluctant about participating Bridge's two years training program. I said that I had a great fear that I may receive tons of pressure from my family. I would feel stressed if that took place. Sometimes when I make decisions or act in certain ways, I indeed only want to please men. Like in this case, I wanted to make a decision to please my family. (My questions here is Ephesian 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. Honor your father and mother.” But it will be a separate issue to discuss.)

Lord, please show me how to make a decision or act in certain ways only because I love you, not because I want to please men.

That it was a great delusion to think that the times of prayer ought to differ from other times. That we are as strictly obliged to adhere to GOD by action in the time of action, as by prayer in its season.

This is profound and enlightening. I certainly don't know how to integrate my prayer time into the rest of my days. Some people are sunday christians, which means they only think about God matter when they go to Church on Sunday. Even though I am not a sunday christian, I certainly don't think about Him all the times. Bro, Lawrence showed me that it is possible. I haven't known how to practice it though.

If the vessel of our soul is still tossed with winds and storms, let us awake the LORD, who reposes in it, and He will quickly calm the sea.

Last night, I felt I was rejected harshly by the one I care most. My mind, my heart were certainly not at easy. I woke up 3 o'clock, 5 o'clock because I know something is wrong but I don't know what's going on and why it happened. I want to repeat aloud what Bro. Lawrence said, “Lord, the vessel of my soul is tossed with winds and storms right now. Please wake up Lord, please help your child to calm the sea.”

I DO not pray that you may be delivered from your pains; but I pray GOD earnestly that He would give you strength and patience to bear them as long as He pleases.

I DO not pray that you may be delivered from your pains; but I pray GOD earnestly that He would give you strength and patience to bear them as long as He pleases. Comfort yourself with Him who holds you fastened to the cross: He will loose you when He thinks fit. Happy those who suffer with Him: accustom yourself to suffer in that manner, and seek from Him the strength to endure as much, and as long, as He shall judge to be necessary for you. The men of the world do not comprehend these truths, nor is it to be wondered at, since they suffer like what they are, and not like Christians: they consider sickness as a pain to nature, and not as a favor from GOD; and seeing it only in that light, they find nothing in it but grief and distress. But those who consider sickness as coming from the hand of GOD, as the effects of His mercy, and the means which He employs for their salvation, commonly find in it great sweetness and sensible consolation.

The above two paragraphs were written when Bro. Lawrence's friend suffered a great sickness. I am like a person who has already enjoyed a big feast and is about to leave but sees something is more delicious. These two paragraph is too big for me to digest right now, especially after I have already tested a great deal of spiritual food from 7:00am to 14:30. I have to stop here and digest what Bro. Lawrence said here later this week.

Hear My Case

My Father, you are my creator, 
You know exactly how I am functioning 
and you know completely what I am thinking.  
I have nothing to hide from you. 
Please don't be angry with me,
if I am still a very spiritually immature son of yours. 
Please nurture me with your spiritual milk,
and walk me through this toddler stage. 
I need your help more than any other time 
because my heart is in dismay, 
my eyes are covered with dust,
and my foot doesn't know the next place to tread. 
Lord, deliver me from my transgressions please. 
I sinned, am sinning against you consistently.
But before you scold me and discipline me, 
I beg you to hear my case.
You have full control of the judgement
Yet at least give me the chance to appeal.
I know you know every single one of my thoughts
But I want to cry out with my own mouth.
May I exhaust every part of my body after I empty myself.
Because I know your strength shall refill me.
Hear me, cleanse me, mold me, send me.
At the end, I shall sing "Hallelujah"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Second Love Story

还是我高中的一个同学, 因为复读了一年, 去大学的时候比我们晚一年. 偏巧爱上了一个和我同一届的一个女孩子, 她在天津外国语读书. 所以京津高速就成了他们最熟悉的道路. 女孩子大学毕业后, 顺利申请到了去澳大利亚读书的签证, 当时我同学还在大学读大四. 我同学告诉我因着她的女朋友他开始读圣经, 开始认识主, 希望可以问我问题. 我特别的高兴, 一直在祝福他们在主的道路上越走越甘甜. 去年初跟他联系的时候, 他说他在准备考雅思, 因为他女朋友不打算回来了, 所以他去找她. 但是在刚刚过去的圣诞节晚上, 我发短信问候他, 他说他们分手了, 因为女孩子不想回国, 我朋友因为家庭的缘故也出不了国.

一则很短的故事, 也许现在正在进行中, 我不知道现在是不是给这个故事花句号的时间.


炜和君是我的好朋友, 特别是炜, 我们做哥们的时间从小学就开始了. 一起经过了小学, 初中, 高中, 到大学后还经常的保持联系. 君是一个精灵的女孩子, 从小学开始就没有断过追她的男生, 因为她不但看完了很多的外国名著, 而且连金庸全集和古龙系列都了如指掌, 她和男孩子在一起的时候就特别有话题, 很多男生也愿意跟她沟通, 当她是黄蓉. 炜比郭靖要聪明多了, 考上了大连理工大学. 君也以优秀的成绩考入了北京邮电大学, 分数很高, 比我们班去清华的就差一些分数, 因为电信是很好的专业, 所以在毕业的时候我们也没有太计较她怎么没有考北大. 其实我知道, 炜在高中的时候, 就暗暗的喜欢上了君, 但是因为我们所在的班老师有很大的期待, 而且君的成绩名列前茅, 他就一直只是默默的喜欢她. 好了, 大学时代终于开始了, 可以自由的恋爱了. 可是炜宁愿每天跟她打三个小时的电话, 也不愿意问她一句 "做我女朋友吗"的话, 因为怕被拒绝. 就这样一直到大二的暑假, 我和炜一起来到北京新东方学习英语. 我们住在一起, 上下铺. 然后我就黑日白夜的给他吹枕边风, 让他表白. 不然他也难受, 她也难受. 新东方结束后, 回到老家的第一个星期, 他表白了, 在一个很浪漫的地方---八月的大草原. 她接受了, 很愉快的, 很幸福的.

如果故事只到这里, 那么这只是一个童话故事. 接下来剧情的发展让我有了拍韩剧的素材. 他们很恩爱, 炜会在周末的时候坐一趟夜班火车风尘仆仆的从大连赶到北京的北京邮电大学, 在买早餐的匆匆人群中穿着一套笔挺的西装, 手捧一大把玫瑰, 鹤立鸡群般的在校门口等她, 为的是给她一个惊喜. 当她奔出校门的时候, 她晕了, 是被别的女生投来的嫉妒的目光所打晕的. 他们的感情故事在继续着, 有痛苦也有欢笑, 眨眼间就到了毕业的时候, 炜因为把时间都花在了往返大连到北京的火车上和电话上, 没能如愿以偿的考上北京的研究生. 君凭着她的聪明, 继续上了北邮的研究生. 但是他顺利的找到了在北京的工作. 一切似乎还像青春校园剧一样进行.

但是生活的轨道再往前延展的时候, 希腊的悲剧也就掺到了生命这杯酒中, 让生命变的比鸡尾酒还要绚丽夺目.她在学校上自习的时候, 碰到了x-man. x-man北京人, 很酷, 超有个性. 几个回合过后, 炜败了. 我不知道整个战役的过程, 但是我知道当我毕业后第一年回家过年的时候, 我默默的陪着他在酒吧里待了一天, 我没有说什么, 因为我不知道说什么, 只能陪着他一杯接着一杯的喝酒. 那天之后, 我单独约了君出来, 找她问个明白. 她哭了, 她说炜太爱她了, 她知道如果跟他分手的话100%的再也找不到这么爱她的一个男生了. 我像一个幼儿园的小朋友一样, 不解的问, "难道太爱一个人也是分手的原因之一吗?" 她回答说, "x-man和炜之间, 她不知道选谁, 所以为了让三个人都不痛苦, 所以还是选择分手." 我问, "你不是说炜是最爱你的吗?这个砝码难道还不够重吗?" 她没有回答, 我至今还是不懂. 圣经上不是说女人最需要的是爱, 男人最需要的是尊重吗?为什么因着炜的爱, 她最终选择了对他说, No. 是不是圣经错了? 是不是现在的女人和2000年前的女人不一样了?我最后问她的一个问题是, "为什么x-man能够吸引到你的注意力?"她回答的有点犹豫, 但是我最终终于听明白了, x-man当时是北邮的研究生师兄, 很有才华, 造型很酷, 也能有些炜想不出来的办法让她惊喜.

还好, 没有命案或着流血事件的发生, 一切都归于平淡. 只不过世界上多了一个受伤的炜, 一个不会选择最爱她的男人做男朋友的君, 和一个一直告不明白为什么的我. 因为工作的关系, 很炜的联系越来越少了. 只是知道他现在很后悔大学的这场恋爱, 用宝贵的四年换来一个功课, "只靠爱本身并不能赢得一个女孩子的欢心. 爱的过深对对方是一种负担, 爱的过久对对方是一种反胃, 糖吃久了会让人吐."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Verse I read today:

耶利米书11:20 按公义判断,察验人肺腑心肠的万军之耶和华啊!我却要见你在他们身上报仇,因我将我的案件向你禀明了。
Jeremiah11:20 O LORD of Heaven's Armies, you make righteous judgments, and you examine the deepest thoughts and secrets. Let me see your vengeance against them, for I have committed my cause to you.

彼得后书3:8-10 亲爱的弟兄啊,有一件事你们不可忘记,就是主看一日如千年,千年如一日。主所应许的尚未成就,有人以为他是耽延,其实不是耽延,乃是宽容你们,不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改。但主的日子要像贼来到一样。那日,天必大有响声废去,有形质的都要被烈火销化,地和其上的物都要烧尽了。 
2 Peter3:8-10 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment.

Verse I need to memorize: 

9 How can a young person stay pure?     少年人用甚么洁净他的行为呢?
  By obeying your word.       是要遵行你的话。
10 I have tried hard to find you—      我一心寻求了你,
  don't let me wander from your commands.    求你不要叫我偏离你的命令.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart,     我将你的话藏在心里
  that I might not sin against you.   免得我得罪你。
12 I praise you, O LORD;    耶和华啊,你是应当称颂的!
  teach me your decrees.  求你将你的律例教训我。
13 I have recited aloud  
  all the regulations you have given us.  我用嘴唇传扬你口中的一切典章。
14 I have rejoiced in your laws
  as much as in riches.     我喜悦你的法度,如同喜悦一切的财物。
15 I will study your commandments      我要默想你的训词,
  and reflect on your ways.   看重你的道路.
16 I will delight in your decrees    我要在你的律例中自乐
  and not forget your word.  我不忘记你的话