Sunday, January 06, 2008

Burden to Love (20080104)

Verses I read today:

耶利米书4:19 我的肺腑啊,我的肺腑啊,我心疼痛!我心在我里面烦躁不安,我不能静默不言,因为我已经听见角声和打仗的喊声。
My heart, my heart --- I writhe in pain! My heart pounds within me! I cannot be still. For I have heard the blast of enemy trumpets and the roar of their battle cries.

耶利米书4:22 耶和华说:"我的百姓愚顽,不认识我,他们是愚昧无知的儿女,有智慧行恶,没有知识行善。"
"My people are foolish and do not know me," says the Lord. "They are stupid children who have no understanding. They are clever enough at doing wrong, but they have no idea how to do right!"

Notes from NLT Application
Right living is more than simply avoiding sin. It requires decision and discipline. We must develop skills in right living because our behavior attracts attention to our God

约翰一书2:15 不要爱世界和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。
约翰一书2:16 因为凡世界上的事,就像肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的,乃是从世界来的。
约翰一书2:17 这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,惟独遵行 神旨意的,是永远常存。 
Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

约翰一书2:27 你们从主所受的恩膏常存在你们心里,并不用人教训你们,自有主的恩膏在凡事上教训你们。这恩膏是真的,不是假的,你们要按这恩膏的教训住在主里面。
约翰一书2:28 小子们哪,你们要住在主里面。这样,他若显现,我们就可以坦然无惧;当他来的时候,在他面前也不至于惭愧。
But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don't need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true---it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ. And now, dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame.

Question I have today:
What is the function of listening to pastors if Spirit teaches us everything I need to know? 

My thoughts today: 

当我读到耶利米书4:19的时候, 鲁迅这个名字马上就进入我大脑中, 想到他因为看到到国人的麻木感觉到痛, 才愿意弃医从文, 愿意用笔杆唤醒大众的意识. 如果不是他感受到切肤的心痛, 我想他不会放弃一个赚钱的行业, 如果不是他对国人真的爱, 真的有负担的话, 他也不会感觉到心痛. 就像我现在不会感觉到心痛, 是因为我根本就不会在我大脑里, 心里想着其他人, 确切的说, 我心里只有我所爱的人, 只关心他们, 只对他们有负担. 那么, 中国剩下的16亿人呢, 其实我忙得根本就没有时间去想的. 所以我不会像鲁迅和耶利米一样, 从内心中发出呼喊, "我的肺腑啊,我的肺腑啊,我心疼痛!我心在我里面烦躁不安,我不能静默不言". 我的爱太狭小了, 我心痛的时候都是我感觉别人伤害了我的时候. 李璞, 你几时才能爱别人, 特别是不认识的人的时候爱到心痛, 爱到连肺腑都痛.

这是神对每一个人的测试, 神说如果你爱我造的所有人, 我就给你智慧和能力让你造就所有的人, 正如来到地上的主耶稣; 如果你爱你的国家的所有人, 我就给你智慧和能力让你造就你国家的人, 正如耶利米和鲁迅; 如果你爱你家里或教会的所有人, 我就给你智慧和能力让你造就整个家族的人或你的教会, 比如亚伯拉罕; 如果你爱你自己的话, 我就把你这个不结果子的枝子从树枝上剪除掉

李璞, 你想要多大的智慧和能力呢?   

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