Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Prayer on the Day of Matt's Funeral

Merciful God, you are the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection and the Life.

As we reflect on Matt's life, make us deeply aware of the shortness and uncertainty of human life; and let your Holy Spirit lead us in holiness and righteousness all our days.

As we reflect on all your servants who have finished their course in your faith and fear, we pray that, encouraged by their examples, we also may be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.

Raise us, we humbly pray, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness. Daily persuade our hearts to make choices from an eternal perspective.

In this way, when we also depart this life, we may have the testimony of a good conscience, the confidence of a certain faith, and the comfort of holy hope. And most of all, at the resurrection may we receive that blessing which your well-beloved Son shall then pronounce: "Come, you blessed of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world."

Grant this, O merciful Father, through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Revised: The puppy and the Calf

The Puppy and the Calf

Once upon a time, a puppy and a calf  were  good friends. The puppy liked to watch   floating white clouds . So did the calf. But the reason that made them  friends was  not only because they shared the same interest but also because for both of them the quality time was their most favorite love language . That's why they were together everyday talking about the size, the color and drift of the clouds as well as any  news from around the old farm. However, most important, they found  that they  were most enjoyed  one another's company when both of them  were awed by the magnificent beauty of the  infinite changes in the clouds floating past them in the blue sky. Other animals are envious about their friendship and call them peas and carrots  in that old farm.

One night, the calf was moved to a new barn. It was the first time that the calf had left his little stall at nighttime,  and as he looked up, he saw the blaze and twinkle of stars in the dark velvet sky. He was joyously amazed by the millions of points of light above him.   He told himself, "I will come out to see them every night." 

After that night, he greatly reduced  his cloud gazing  during the day time so he could take a long nap,  and have the energy to see the stars at night. A couple of days later, the puppy noticed  changes in his friend, that the calf didn't spend as much time as before watching the clouds. Neither did he talk much with him. Some days there was not even a single word of conversation between the puppy and the calf. A couple of times, the calf even got impatient and angry with the puppy for taking too long to describe the shapes he was seeing in the summer sky. Although the calf apologized to the puppy each time after he was angry or impatient, the puppy was becoming  more and more concerned about their friendship. 

Finally the puppy decided to do something to save their friendship.   and worked up  the courage to ask the calf if he would agree to talk with him at least once a day so their friendship could continue. The calf  nodded in agreement, because he too realized how much he valued this friendship with the puppy, and decided  to make the effort to preserve that relationship.

This new rule, to "communicate once a day" was established.  The puppy was happy since he thought he could at least talk to his friend every day, even though they had the different interests right now. Even after the rule was made, however, the calf didn't reduce his obsession with the stars. He went out every night  to watch the stars,  and continued to be  very tired during the day. The calf was known for his commitment to keeping promises, so he managed to find time to faithfully keep  the rule to "communicate once a day ." 

Unfortunately, the puppy felt that there was something that got lost in their communication after they had established that rule. Before,  he could talk to the calf whenever he wanted; now he had only a fixed time of day to visit with the calf. If the conversation became too long, the puppy would begin to see boredom and impatience in the calf's face. Before, he could talk to the calf a couple of times a day; now he had to save  all of his feelings and observations  during the day so he could share them during that fixed time of day. Also, before the agreement,  the calf always asked the puppy a lot of questions, but now he seemed to avoid asking the puppy any questions. The puppy found that, although they kept the rule perfectly well,  their relationship didn't make any progress.

The relationship with the calf made the puppy  realize one thing: a true loving relationship cannot rely on rules to either maintain it or deepen it. If you don't have the  heart to nurture the relationship, it will be not  grow no matter how well you keep the rule. After the puppy had this realization, he said to himself, "I cherish my friendship with the calf, so I will use my heart to water it. I will go to tell the calf that the rule should be abolished. No rules between us any more. Only Love! "

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Matt Passed Away

My oldest brother Mathew Thomas Hallstrom passed away on Wednesday, February 27, 2008. An Orange County police officer called my mom's home at 11:30 p.m. looking for a relative of his. I identified myself as one, and they told me the news. I woke my mom and then proceeded to call each one of my remaining five siblings to tell them the news. My sister Melodie, her husband and daughter came over immediately. After they left, I could not sleep, so I called some friends in China until 4 a.m. and then slept until my brother George arrived at 7 a.m.

Because of the circumstances of his death, it will take 12 weeks for the final report on the actual cause of death. The police officer who found the body sealed the room, and no one can enter it until the Orange County Public Administrator breaks the seal to search for the will. Unexpectedly, the Public Administrator is backlogged and will not be able to arrive until at least Tuesday, March 4. He might not finish his report until even later. An odd side-effect is that my brother's body is in stasis. We cannot retrieve it until after this report is finished, so we just wait. Our hope is that it will be released, cremated, and the ashes flown to us in Sandwich, IL, in time for a memorial on March 8. After that, I and some other siblings will fly to California to hold a Celebration of Life for Matt with his friends there.

I am thankful that I was in the US when this happened so that I could be with my mom during this difficult time. I am staying with her and filter and make phone calls for her.

If you want to see how creative beautiful my brother Matt was, please visit his website: