Friday, June 12, 2009

Quarantined, Part 2

A doctor visited me yesterday about 7 p.m. I was very happy to have a visitor. She said that my throat culture came back negative, but that since I came from the US, I needed to have two consecutive negative throat cultures. So she took another one, remarking that my throat was hyperemic (I did not know the Chinese word either, but fortunately my computer has a Chinese-English dictionary) and I needed to drink more water. She also said that it was not up to her when I could be set free. It was up to some government agency whose name I could not catch.

I find it ironic that this is the second time a doctor told me to drink more water, but I literally have to beg the nurses to bring me water. Remember that one cannot drink tap water in China, so I have to rely on outside help to give me potable water.

Given that it took about 30 hours for the results of the last sample to come back, I don't anticipate getting free until Saturday morning at the earliest.

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