Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Duty vs Joy

诗篇37:4 "又要以耶和华为乐"
哥林多后书 6:10 "似乎忧愁,却是常常快乐的"
尼希米记8:10 "因靠耶和华而得的喜乐是你们的力量"
诗篇36:8 "他们必因你殿里的肥甘得以饱足;你也必叫他们喝你乐河的水。"
诗篇43:4 "我就走到神的祭坛,到我最喜乐的神那里. 神啊,我的神!我要弹琴称赞你!"
诗篇16:11 "在你面前有满足的喜乐,在你右手中有永远的福乐"
马太福音25:21 "可以进来享受你主人的快乐"
希伯来书 12:2 "仰望为我们信心创始成终的耶稣。他因那摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦难,便坐在神宝座的右边。"
to "love mercy" (not just do it,   Micah 6:8),   "好怜悯" 
to "show mercy with cheerfulness" (  Romans 12:8), "怜悯人的,就当甘心。"
to suffer loss "with joy" in the service of prisoners (  Hebrews 10:34),  "因为你们体恤了那些被捆锁的人,并且你们的家业被人抢去,也甘心忍受,知道自己有更美长存的家业。"
to be cheerful giver (  2 Corinthians 9:7), "各人要随本心所酌定的,不要作难,不要勉强,因为捐得乐意的人是神所喜爱的。"
to make our joy the joy of others (  2 Corinthians 2:3), "我也深信,你们众人都以我的快乐为自己的快乐。" 
to tend the flock of God willingly and eagerly (  1 Peter 5:2) "不是出于勉强,乃是出于甘心"
to keep watch over souls "with joy" (  Hebrews 13:17). "你们要使他们交的时候有快乐"

Desiring God 
"But not only odes the pursuit of joy in God give strength to endure, it is the key to breaking the power of sin on our way to heaven."

Matthew Henry 
"The joy of the Lord will arm us against the assaults of our spiritual enemies and put our mouths out of taste of for those pleasures with which the temper baits his hooks. "

C.S. Lewis, 
"If you asked twenty good men today what they thought the highest of the virtues, nineteen of them would reply, Unselfishness. But if you asked almost any of the great Christians of old he would have replied, Love. You see what has happened? A negative term has been substituted for a positive, and this is of more than philological importance. The negative ideal of Unselfishness carries with it the suggestion not primarily of securing good things for others, but of going without them ourselves, as if our abstinence and not their happiness was the important point. I do not think this is the Christian virtue of Love. The New Testament has lots to say about self-denial, but not about self-denial as an end in itself. We are told to deny ourselves and to take up our crosses in order that we may follow Christ; and nearly every description of what we shall ultimately find if we do so contains an appeal to desire.  
If there lurks in most modern minds the notion that to desire our own good and earnestly to hope for the enjoyment of it is a bad thing, I submit that this notion has crept in from Kant and the Stoics and is no part of the Christian faith. Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

Desiring God "Then Let Me All My Pleasures Tell" (http://www.desiringgod.org/dg/id88.htm)

My Dear Friend,
        当我今天早晨收到你这封来信的时候, 真的好想坐在你的对面, 跟你一起来探讨一个话题, 这个话题太大了, 我自己不知道怎么样才能表述清楚我的意思, 所以花了一早晨的时候又重新温习了一遍John Piper Desiring God 的前言部分和第一章. 你刚刚看到的第一页所摘录的经节和名人名言都是从这本书中摘录下来的, 把他们放在一起, 是为了方便我们阅读和讨论.


当你说, "不知道我在逃避什么,当日子过得越来越安稳起来的时候,就不愿意再背负十字架."  你说, "然后,我就开始不愿意像先前那样祷告了——每次都是从自省和认罪开始;我不愿意读经了——以西结书里充满对列国的惩罚,哥林多前书中写满了"你们不要……";我开始逃避思考" what will please my Lord?" 反正就随心地活着,让逻辑和理性放假,给枷锁束缚的神经松绑,我活着,呼吸着,过着俗人的生活 (mundane life),祷告与不祷告、读经与不读经、思考与不思考,反正日子照样过,似乎并没有区别。"

C.S Lewis 是这样说的,  "The New Testament has lots to say about self-denial, but not about self-denial as an end in itself. We are told to deny ourselves and to take up our crosses in order that we may follow Christ; and nearly every description of what we shall ultimately find if we do so contains an appeal to desire."  Lewis跟你一样, 也发现了在新约中有很多, "不要, 不要" 之类的自我否定的话, 我忘记了自己从前是否有这样的经历, 就是说只关注到了这些"不要"经节中所携带着的负面色彩, 但是Lewis却还发现了除了自我否定之外的另外一个层面, 那就是我们照那些经节去做的时候, 这些经节中所包含的一种吸引人的渴望. 也就像在希伯来书12:2中所说的那样, 耶稣基督不仅仅是为了满足天父的旨意出于责任感才愿意背起自己的十架, 甚至被钉死在十架上, 他这样做完全是"因那摆在前面的喜乐". 那么喜乐到底是什么呢?我不知道主耶稣的是什么, 但是从我自己的感受讲, 就是当我所有的需要天父都满足了的时候, 换句话说, 就是当我在神面前感觉到完全满足的时候, 我是最开心的, 最有喜乐的. 所以我感觉自省认罪的祷告和悔改的祷告诚然非常的重要, 但是我们每次祷告的中心却不必只放在自己的自省和悔改上因为没有一个人是完美的, 没有一个人配得神的恩典, 但是神就这样白白的给了我们, 因此我们应该在耶稣基督里得到的更多的是满足, 而不是因为跟神的律法比较之后产生的挥之不去的内疚感. 内疚感是耶稣在山上宝训中所提到过的七种压力之一, 研究发现长期的内疚感会影响到我们的神经系统

C.S Lewis这样说到, "Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak." 我感觉这句话说的太好了, 很多时候我匆匆忙忙的就开始了一天的生活, 也没有亲近神, 当一天结束的时候, 我躺在床上, 想想自己一天所成就的事情, 感觉到非常的满足. 但是其实我的这些成就跟神的应许真的是差的好远好远. 然后接下来的几天, 等我吃到跟神远离的亏的时候, 又不得不回到神的面前, 去了解, 默想他的话语. 当我自己不读经, 不祷告, 不默想的时候, 我感觉自己挺像那个玩泥巴的小朋友, 自娱自乐地就沉浸在玩泥巴的快乐中, 不去追求那个去海边度假的机会所带来的喜乐

求主让你和我都能有一颗极大的追求喜乐的渴望, 这样的渴望不会让我们只满足于自我肉体的舒适, 工作和学习带来的成就, 自己已经得救的事实带来的自义和优越感, 求主让我们像主耶稣一样, 为着那个摆在我们前面的喜乐而愿意背负我们的十架, 求主让我们亲身经历你属天的喜乐, 让我们不再是因着一个基督徒的身份而去读经, 去祷告, 而是因着我们对属天喜乐的渴慕和追求而去过着圣洁的生活.   

你说, "有一个声音在说:'难道做一个基督徒,就是每天看自己是罪人,背负重担地生活吗??何必要这样过活?如此沉重!只要日子过得安逸,何必思考那么多?什么属灵的异象,品格里的渣滓,何必为这些看不见、摸不找的东西庸人自扰?你怎么就知道神不是要你自由而快乐,轻装上阵地过每一天?不要考虑太多,不是很好吗?' "

我相信当你听到这个声音的时候, 是撒旦趁你身体软弱, 在袭击你的时候. 因为到今天你还没有从感冒中完全恢复. 我很感谢神的是你昨晚的顺服, 愿意写下这些内心的声音, 并且愿意与我分享. 我坚信谎言是不能暴露在太阳底下的, 当你把这些话语说出来的时候, 他们就都烟消云散了, 你同意吗?当你读到这里的时候, 还会被这些问题所困扰吗?John Piper, " I do not say that loving God is good because it brings joy.  I say God commands that we find joy in loving God. ("Delight yourself in the Lord," Psalm 37:4).  I do not say that loving people is good because it brings joy.  I say that God commands that we find joy in loving people ("Let the one who shows mercy do so with cheerfulness,"   Romans 12:8)." 我想无论是在我们思考神话语的时候,讨论属灵异象的时候, 还是努力的祷告想清除我们品格中的渣滓的时候, 我们都不应该出于一种责任和义务, 或者是出于一种自我素质提高的动机, 就像我们吃饭一样, 当我们是因为义务去吃饭的时候, 我们会吃的很没有味道, 或者当我们想减肥而特意吃一定的饮食的时候, 我们也会感到特别的苦, 唯有我们真正的处于喜欢一道菜而去吃的时候, 我们才能够吃的津津有味, 就像你现在对拨拨鱼的想念

总而言之, 我同意你最后的一句话, 耶稣来是让我们得自由的, 他来是让我们得快乐的, 他来是让我们背负他的轭, 因为他的轭是轻省的, 他想让我们轻装上阵地过每一天. 马太福音6:25-34就是最好的教导, 不让我们想太多, 忧虑太多.

我的朋友,在你信的将近末了的时候, 是这样说的, "我趴在地上,任信心的树苗未被浇灌,在干旱中苟延残喘。我趴在地上,等待着被一顿拳打脚踢打醒。这时,自律、自省、自觉,丝毫不能拯救我。在属灵的层面上,里面的懒散和松松垮垮是外面的包装无法改变的。不知道为什么,就这样突然之间远离信仰十万八千里!依稀记得一个月前,刚刚读完耶利米书,那时,一股同样无法名状的烈火在心里熊熊燃烧,巴不得把生命烧干了,献给主!可是,一个月之后,如同做了换心手术一样,我的心变了,对祂不再有激情……"

我还历历在目的记得前一段时间你的激情, 所有我相信当这几天属灵的低谷过去的时候, 你又会信心百倍, 对神充满着渴慕. 也许熊熊的大火本身就决定了它不能长久燃烧, 也许我们需要把激情转化成爱, 这样才能让它烧的长久. 可能就像男女之间的关系一样, 刚开始被对方所吸引, 关系中充满激情, 可是随着时间的延续, 激情一点一滴的都转化成了醇香的爱情, 像酒一样, 越久越香甜.

还有, 你看到"自律, 自省, 自觉" 里面有什么共同的地方了吗?我刚刚发现, 它们都有一个"自". 如果一个人掉到了一个深坑里面, 他如果只靠 "自" 己的方法要救自己出来, 要么很辛苦, 要么不成功. 在这个时候, 我们何不靠神的力量, 让他拉我们出这个洞呢. 也许我们觉得自己恶贯满盈不配让神搭救我们, 可是如果神愿意拯救这个不配的我呢?他愿意亲自下到这个洞里来, 让我出去, 我想光靠这点, 我都应该每天的欢喜快乐. 因为我已将忧虑和内疚留在坑里, 已经靠着神的赦免和救恩拖去了罪的长袍, 出来的已经是一个轻盈的我.   

在信的最后, 你问到这样一个问题, "What happened to me? Good or bad? Growth or regression? What will happen next? 迷茫不可测的明天!"

今天早晨我读到Desiring God 第一章的时候, John Piper 花了很大的篇幅在论述神不但掌控所有好的事情的发生, 他也掌控所有坏的事情的发生. 我相信一个月前你燃烧的激情是由他点燃的, 现在你身处信心的低谷也是他所允许的. Good or Bad? 如果万事相互效力的话, 那么就不存在是好还是坏了, 因为谁能说发生在约伯身上的整个经历是坏的事情呢?我觉得神既然允许它发生了, 那么这段经历就能够给你带来益处, 不过还有一个大前提, 那就是你和我要每天的学习去爱主. 你觉的呢?

明天是不可测的, 但是因着天父的缘故, 我觉得应该不算迷茫, 因为天父对爱他的孩子们的祝福的应许是我们有福的确据, 虽然我们不知道去哪里, 但是像亚伯拉罕一样, 我们知道自己去的是一个流奶与蜜的地方. 更美妙的是, 在去这片迦南美地的旅途中, 我们会同奔天路,虽然几经周折, 但是最终我们会到达那里, 蒙神极大的祝福.

就写到这里吧,我最大的盼望是能鼓励到你, 希望你读完之后能够得力,能够从这次信仰的深渊中被神拯救出来。



Philip Hallstrom said...

"内疚感是耶稣在山上宝训中所提到过的七种压力之一". "A guilty conscience is one of the seven pressures that Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount." Can you explain this? Can you enumerate this?

Paul Lee said...

Guilt for offenses against God: Matt 6:12
Guilt for offenses against man: Matt 5:23-24

Philip Hallstrom said...

I don't understand this sentence. Can you explain it: "But not only odes the pursuit of joy in God give strength to endure, it is the key to breaking the power of sin on our way to heaven."

Can you explain this sentence: "在属灵的层面上,里面的懒散和松松垮垮是外面的包装无法改变的。"

Does this sentence have an issue: "他愿意亲自下到这个洞里来, 让我出去, 我想光靠这点, 我都应该每天的欢喜快乐. " Shouldn't the 每天 come before the 都?

Wow, I just finished translating this for Maria too. Such passion in writing. Can you write something to encourage me out of my pit too?

Maria Kirby said...

Philip translated this posting so I could understand, it and I wanted to add a few things.

God withdraws the the pleasure of his presence from us in order to test our love for him. Do we love him merely for what we get from him, or do we love him for who he is?

The difficulties of life, the duties and burdens, are like stocks (you used a similar but different word in Chinese). But when we join our hearts to Jesus, the stocks are shared like a yoke. Reading the Bible and praying are two ways in which we can rest in him. As we meditate on him our burden becomes light.

I wanted to stress the phrase "looking forward to the joy set before him". Jesus did not take pleasure in the cross, but he was able to endure it because he knew he would experience greater pleasure in the future. If there were no pain, we would not know pleasure. We experience more pleasure the greater the need is that gets fulfilled. God promises reward to those who endure to the end. This is where self discipline comes in to produce the fruit of long suffering. It is not that we desire to suffer, but that we do not shy away from suffering when it does come. Many times the only way to get past something is to go through it.