Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Preparing for My Driving Test

I am really struggling with this Rules of the Road book. There are so many paragraphs that I don't understand or study questions that are ambiguous. I am feeling much anxiety about this test. Here is a typical confusing paragraph:

Red arrow — The red arrow means do not make the movement shown by the arrow until a green arrow appears. You may make a right turn at a red arrow or a left turn at a red arrow when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street that has traffic moving to the left. In both instances, drivers must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians before proceeding.

So, based on the first sentence, a red right arrow means do not make a right movement "until a green arrow appears". However, the next sentence flatly contradicts it since I  "may make a right turn at a red arrow". If the former is true, then the red arrow is equal to a red light plus a "No turn on red" sign. If the latter is true, then it is equal to a red light. I simply cannot figure out what it is equal to.

The book does not talk about my category of drivers, someone with an expired license. I believe that since I do not have a learner's permit, it is strictly illegal for me to drive even if there is a licensed driver in the car. This means that I have fewer rights than a 15 year old since I cannot even practice. I am supposed to go into this driving test completely unrehearsed.

I went out for an illegal drive around my brother's subdivision tonight. I backed up into his garage twice, retrieved his mail. I need to relax, but this is hard.

And what is an "unmarked crosswalk"? If there are no markings, how can I tell that it is a crosswalk. This book refers to things without defining them. I am succumbing to despair.....

Check out my blog: http://uncut-jade.blogspot.com/

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