I have struggled with warts on my hands all my life. It did not stop
when I came to China. The first time I had a set removed in China was
while I lived in Tianjin. It was terrifying. Up to that point in time,
I had always used liquid nitrogen, and so my expectations were
calibrated for that. However, that doctor used a laser, and boy did
she use it. I sat there smelling my flesh being offered up as a burnt
offering, and when she was done, I looked down and saw the craters
that she left behind. That was 2003; the scars are still present and
big. I made a mental note that I did not like laser therapy.
Well, I needed to harvest another crop of 6, and so I went in, and the
doctor only offered laser. I sighed but knew that I had no choice
since I had already gone too long. I mean, I already had 6. But this
doctor was really into precision. He just pointed the laser at the
wart and did not take out an unnecessary swath of my hands. He also
washed his hands before surgery, and did other hygienic things that
made me feel good. It was a genuinely good experience. I like this new
hospital I found. I have never had to wait in line there, and they
seem friendly. Above are some pictures of the after surgery view.
duct tape really does work for warts. of note, do you know what duct tape is not good at, when compared to other types of tape? Taping up ducts! funny, eh?
You know what, I did try duct tape. But I just could not get a good response. My virus is very resilient. Besides laser and nitrogen and duct tape and salicylic acid, I have tried one other treatment. It was another caustic material that the doctor put on in a one-time application. It also did not work. N2 and laser are my best resources.
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