Saturday, March 01, 2008

Matt Passed Away

My oldest brother Mathew Thomas Hallstrom passed away on Wednesday, February 27, 2008. An Orange County police officer called my mom's home at 11:30 p.m. looking for a relative of his. I identified myself as one, and they told me the news. I woke my mom and then proceeded to call each one of my remaining five siblings to tell them the news. My sister Melodie, her husband and daughter came over immediately. After they left, I could not sleep, so I called some friends in China until 4 a.m. and then slept until my brother George arrived at 7 a.m.

Because of the circumstances of his death, it will take 12 weeks for the final report on the actual cause of death. The police officer who found the body sealed the room, and no one can enter it until the Orange County Public Administrator breaks the seal to search for the will. Unexpectedly, the Public Administrator is backlogged and will not be able to arrive until at least Tuesday, March 4. He might not finish his report until even later. An odd side-effect is that my brother's body is in stasis. We cannot retrieve it until after this report is finished, so we just wait. Our hope is that it will be released, cremated, and the ashes flown to us in Sandwich, IL, in time for a memorial on March 8. After that, I and some other siblings will fly to California to hold a Celebration of Life for Matt with his friends there.

I am thankful that I was in the US when this happened so that I could be with my mom during this difficult time. I am staying with her and filter and make phone calls for her.

If you want to see how creative beautiful my brother Matt was, please visit his website:


Judy Kay said...


We loved Matt in California. I'm very sorry for your loss. Matt will be missed by so many - all over the world.

I'm sorry you have to go through the ordeal with the coroner. My brother died last August and my family had the same problem - holiday weekend, backlog... so we had to go ahead with a memorial without my brother's ashes. Not ideal but at the end of the day, it didn't take away from the celebration of his life. I'm sure it will be the same for your family.

Matt and I talked about my brother's memorial service in detail. Matt thought it was so cool that I had played Green Day and had a slide show. We both talked about what we would want at our funerals but I can't remember what he told me. You know, we have those types of conversations with our loved ones all the time but we never think that someone will really die - so I didn't pay enough attention.

I know I can't say anything that will make you feel better but please know how much I loved your brother. He was a wonderful man.

Philip Hallstrom said...

Judy, thanks for your warm comments.

Bouboulinaa said...

My eyes are filled with tears as I write this. Please accept my most sincere condolences on the loss of Matt.

I recently moved back to California from Illinois. Matt was on my list to give him a call and let him know that I am back. I found out through my son that Matt has passed on. I am in total shock.

I am letting you know that Matt was my hero. Did you know that he saved my life when an intruder came into my home? Yes, he is a hero. If it was not for him, I would not be here.

You have my heart-felt sympathy for the loss of your brother.
May you find peace with time.

Peace and love,

Philip Hallstrom said...

Barbara, thanks for your loving comments. Could you tell me what your family name is so that I can identify you? Thanks.

Bouboulinaa said...

I am happy to provide my name and phone number.
Please email to me at...
I do not feel comfortable leaving my name here for the public to see.
Thank you so much for understanding.